Will I be considered for roles?

If you have been added to the Staff Portal then you will be on the database to be considered for any roles we hold, BUT will still need to ensure of the following:

  • You have updated your availability - you need to have entered your availability to be considered for upcoming roles. If you're not free these holidays, that's fine, you will still be kept on the system and be contacted ahead of future holidays
  • Have applied or currently have a valid WWCC - only people who have applied or have a current valid WWCC will be considered for roles. If you do not have one, you will therefore need to apply to be considered.
  • If you are a Qualified Teacher and have been considered for Camp Manager roles, you will need to have valid First Aid certifications to be able to work in this role type. Look up the "Will I be considered for roles" Q&A for further information.
  • We also take into consideration your location and where you're able to travel to.  The more locations on your file, the higher the change we can allocate you to a role.

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