RRHAN-EC Certification

All South Australian Schools require a valid RRHAN-EC qualification for staff working on site in any after school programs.

Please follow the steps below to apply for a RRHAN-EC:

  1. Please visit https://www.education.sa.gov.au/working-us/rrhan-ec/rrhan-ec-mandatory-notification-training-list-courses. The certification is completed in two parts - Fundamentals and Masterclass course.
  2. You will be required to complete a Two Hour Fundamental course online. This course is free.
  3. Once this is completed, you will now need to book in your Masterclass. This class is conducted in person, and a fee is applicable.
  4. After your Masterclass is booked, please upload your Fundamental training certificate and your Masterclass booking confirmation to the staff portal.
  5. Once both courses are completed, please ensure both completion certificates are uploaded

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