Last Minute Availability

Signing up to last minute availability means you are happy to be contacted from 6am on the day of a camp to be able to cover for someone on that same day. PLEASE do not sign up if you do not wish to be contacted a) from as early as 6am and b) if you do not want to only be told about work on the day.

Being considered for last minute roles doesn't limit your chances of being offered other roles, it just means we will consider you for on-the-day roles as well.

You can join the Slack channel last_minute_jobs_STATE (where STATE is replaced by your State: NSW, VIC, ACT, WA, QLD or SA) on the Team Code Camp Slack, where roles will be posted. Please email us if you need help finding this or need reminding of your Slack username.

We ask that if you want to be considered for last minute roles, you are prepared that you could be covering any camp type you are down for in the system, and therefore must ensure you are happy to assist or teach in a lesson. We would recommend looking through lesson plans, even briefly, to ensure you are happy to step in if required.

You must also have a valid PAID WWCC (exception being ACT where a volunteer one is still acceptable) and be vaccinated according to your State's Government guidelines.

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