What do I need to bring to Camp?

We like that you are wanting to know how to prepare! In order to ensure your time at camp runs as smoothly as possible the following is what you will need to bring to camp:

  • Laptop - Your own device to teach with (only if you are a Co-Head Teacher, Head Teacher or Camp Manager!) - all learning is online based so you won't need to download anything on your laptop before.
  • Adapter - If you are bringing a Mac laptop then you may need a HDMI adapter to connect to the monitor in the classroom. We don't have any adapters for macs so they would need to be brought from home. We do, however, have adapters that are compatible with other laptops (that have a HDMI port in the side).
  • Lunch and a drink's bottle
  • Wear closed shoes and dark pants (recommended) with your Code Camp t-shirt. If you don't have a Code Camp t-shirt (as you haven't worked before), don't worry, we will have one waiting for you at your first camp. We always provide a selection of staff t-shirts in various sizes at each camp so you will be able to get one from the Camp Manager on the first day and change into it before the kids arrive. 
  • Sunscreen and hat

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